Стани доброволец по EVS в Италия!

bg be active european volunteer service i can project

Ако искаш да научиш нещо ново, да подобриш уменията си, да се запознаеш с нови хора и да придобиеш опит, стани доброволец за една година в Саленто, Италия. За целта изпрати CV и мотивационно писмо на английски на: [email protected] Свободно е едно място, работният език е английски, а проектът стартира на 15 май тази година. Повече информация за проекта вижте по-долу.

* Сдружение BG Бъди активен е акредитирана организация по Европейска доброволческа служба в Европа.

WHEN : 15 may 2015- 15 may 2016ROLE OF THE VOLUNTEER AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTThe EVS poject “I can, give me a chance” will involve 3 volunteer for 12 month in cantieri creativi jump in , viale della repubblica 32, poggiardo and Creative urban Factory in Spongano.They have different task: places for art, entertainment and the recovery of traditions, places of social use and experimentation of new technologies; employment services, training and youth entrepreneurship, exhibition spaces, socialization and hospitality.

Our activities stimulates young people’s entrepreneurship, the ability to make ideas become reality, in which they need creativity, innovation, the courage to take responsibilities and risks and the capacity of plan and run projects to achieve results. It is an helpful skill in every aspect of life.
The Activities will allow young people to put their selves on the test of a new situation, discover a new culture and go beyond their limits, even to be able to accept those.

The role of the volunteer will enrich and strengthen all activities of the association through its contribution and its active involvement in organizational activities, artistic, creative, and intercultural.

He will not replace specific professional but to integrate the offer, representing the added value that is given specifically by the contribution „relational“ that can provide the volunteer. Volunteers also inspire us from JUMP IN and develop in many cases our creativity.

The cultural community centres are quite innovative places in South of Italy and their main goal is to become the place of stimulation and support for different community activities, to activate community life and to enrich with new innovative activities. There for and for other reasons these centres have very wide working field.

Beside everyday activities (coffee-bar, bookshop, library) here are also organised cultural, advertisement, artistic, musical events, creative workshops, professional trainings, language courses. Participation of volunteers in this kind of activities would be very useful and needful. It would bring new ideas to the daily work of the centres, new organisation skills, new forms of work. Volunteers will get to know activities of local communities, youth organisations, life stile, traditions, social life.

The young volunteers will be hosted in this organizational reality, complete and complex, in which there are a series infinity of possibilities and potential.


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