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What interesting things have happened in recent months on the project… Oksana is telling us about her time as a volunteer in Plovdiv

The last three months have been full of interesting events and office routine as part of my experience here in Bulgaria supported by the European Solidarity Corps. What for daily tasks, I have been involved in work with articles publication, in particular, I prepared articles related to BG Be Active campaigns and various organization news for our websites. Moreover, I have been participating in PARK and Active Neighborhood project meetings with our team where I also presented summaries and meetings outcomes.

In February, I had an interesting assignment to present a short essay summary of water pollution in Eastern Europe, which I found useful for both, project proposal writing and for my personal involvement in such an important topic.

Of the March events, we had an online Mid-term evaluation meeting from February 28 to March 02.

Personally, I was a bit disappointed that it was not possible to have an offline event and meet other volunteers in person.

Nevertheless, we had an exciting time together and shared inspirational stories from our volunteer projects.

On the 18th of March was World Recycling Day and we had more than 200 schools and kindergartens participating in such a remarkable initiative branded with the _TheSpot Bulgaria and I have prepared certificates for participating schools.

Two days, 31 March and 1 April, BG Be Active Association brought together 30 representatives of organisations, local communities and administrations for a two-day seminar „How to use ‘placemaking’ to create conditions for neighbourhood democracy in urban communities?“ I was responsible for the preparation of social media posts. During the seminar, I took photos and videos to create a better presentation of this fascinating event. As a tradition of sending certificates to participants, I have prepared and sent them to the representatives.

Also, In April, we had pin workshop, which was not something global, but still was an interesting and fun way to learn how to create pins by ourselves. As usual, we had some office work and daily routine and I find it useful since I am able to communicate with the team in person and share our working tasks but also personal stuff.

There are still a few months of the project ahead of me, which I hope to spend with benefit and enjoyment.

See you soon, Oksana 🙂

The Youth Spot Bulgaria is funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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