We are happy to meet our next volunteers in BG Be Active for the Youth_Spot Bulgaria project under European Solidarity Corps programme. The project aims to offer a way for people to start being physically active and practicing a healthy lifestyle, as part of the NowWeMOVE international campaign, with the help and inspiration of young people from other European countries. During the two years of the project with the support of international volunteers, BG Be Active will organise the NowWeMOVE campaign initiatives around the country, as well as the Spot Bulgaria programme events.
Spot Bulgaria, as a long-term program, aims to change the behavior of citizens in relation to urban spaces through clean-up actions, placemaking interventions and educational campaigns. We work with various partners from the NGO sector, with municipalities and businesses, in order to draw attention to problems with pollution, recycling.
We are happy to welcome Kirill and Oksana from Russia and Toby from the UK for a one-year adventure with us who will help us promote active lifestyles and active citizenship in Bulgarian society. They have completed an introduction course with us and are ready to start their adventure in Bulgaria.

Having experience in marketing in Russia, Oksana applied for the communication profile project, and during the project, she will be helping us with event organization, article writing and social media coordination.
Kirill graduated in law in Russia in 2021 and decided to join our project. Having a great desire to change the world for the better, he will be involved in organizing our events, making videos for social networks and helping with communication.
Toby graduated from University of London in Sustainable Development and applied for our project with the motivation to gain experience in project management. Toby will be supporting the coordination of projects, international meetings and studies.
The Youth Spot Bulgaria is funded by the European Solidarity Corps programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.