On arrival training which is held between 25-27 November was smooth and productive. Our earning needs taken into consideration in the training, we learned much about our rights and responsibilities as volunteers. Also, we gained a deeper insight about ESC and EVS, so our path is clearer. We thought about how to solve a problem and created different scenarios and solutions over common volunteer/organisation problems. It was also good for looking from the eye of the organisation and authorised people, so it would create an emphatic perspective in understanding the process.
We had the chance to meet with each other and work together with other volunteers. We introduced ourselves and our organisations with a presentation so everyone would know each other. Trainers were helpful and kind. They used drawings in their presentations, which was helpful and motivating. We had some problems over connection, apps, websites etc. but those are expected. I wish we can do the next training face to face, without that restrictions.
We had the chance to meet with each other and work together with other volunteers. We introduced ourselves and our organisations with a presentation so everyone would know each other. Trainers were helpful and kind. They used drawings in their presentations, which was helpful and motivating. We had some problems over connection, apps, websites etc. but those are expected. I wish we can do the next training face to face, without that restrictions.

author: Selim Ozgur

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