През изминалата седмица EVS доброволците на Сдружение BG Бъди активен участваха в обучение в София, по време на което те имаха възможността да се запознаят и да прекарат време с други EVS доброволци от различни държави, които също живеят в България.
Европейската доброволчеството служба (EVS) е еднa от програмите на Erasmus+, които се финансират от Европейската комисия за млади хора (18-30 години), които биха искали да прекарат времето си като доброволци и да придобият нови умения в рамките на от 1-2 до 10-12 месеца.
За дългосрочните проекти, националните агенции на програмата Erasmus+ осигуряват две неформални обучения, които се наричат “On-arrival” and “Mid-term”, по време на които доброволците научават повече за своите права и отговорности, както и как да действат в различни ситуации, в които могат да попаднат. Доброволците също обсъдиха техните очаквания и възможности от проекта, но най-важната част от обучението бе опознаване на участниците по между им.
По време на обучението доброволците представиха техните организации и проекти, споделиха своя опит от пребиваването им в България и сравниха реалността с техните очаквания.
Те имаха възможността да дадат съвети на нови доброволци, които току-що пристигат в България. Една от най-добрите сесии бе за управление на конфликти, по време на която доброволците изиграха различни роли, и ситуации, които могат да им се случат. След това те обсъдиха различни стратегии за разрешаване на конфликти и техните предимства и недостатъци.
В България EVS доброволците работят с различни целеви групи и в различни дейности . Доброволците на EVS на BG Бъди активен помагат насърчаването на физическата активност в кампанията NowWeMove и активно участват в изграждането на пространства в проекта „_Място – доброволчество с въздействие“. От своя страна EVS доброволците допринaсят за развитието на кампанията като споделят своите идеи и опит, както и традициите на своите държави в сферата на физическата активност за здраве
Кратък разказ от тях за преживяното по време на обучението:
Where: Grami Hotel (Sofia)
When: 11-14 December 2018
First Day (11 December 2018):
We arrived at the hotel in the afternoon. Before meeting volunteers had a lunchtogether. Firstly trainers gave us some practical information about EVS and
what they exactly do. And then volunteers and trainers talked about rules of working together. After that trainers wanted to learn about volunteers expectations. Actually, introductions and expectations were together. We introduced ourself and explained our expectations from EVS. Thereafter trainers prepared an energizer game for volunteers. In the last part, we spoke about our EVS realities, motivations, and goals.
Second Day (12 December 2018): We created some group with volunteers and spoke about our projects and evaluated them. We shared our common problems and experiences together. After that, the subject was “Conflict Management”. Volunteers gave some ideas about solving that kind of problems or how to manage them. So we talked about how a group can easily reach a conclusion. Finally, volunteers prepared some questions and problems for a person who works for NA.
Third Day (13 December 2018): In that day we generally spoke about the future. Trainers gave some advice us about what we might do after EVS. One volunteer did a presentation about his personal project. And then we spoke about that how to do a personal project in EVS and how organizations support us for doing a personal project. In the last part, Yassen (person of NA) came to our meeting room. Volunteers shared some problems and asked some questions to him about EVS. He answered all of the questions and problems one by one. In the evening we played a game each other. It was about how well do we know each other?
Fourth Day (14 December 2018): Trainers wrote some opportunities on the board about after EVS. Volunteers asked questions to trainers about their opportunities and we discussed them together. Finally, trainers gave to us evaluation forms about training and we filled them.
Evaluations About Training
Erdinç: I was so excited when I got to the hotel. Because I was going to meet new volunteers. Before that training, I already met some volunteers from on arrival training or some cities where I visited. I had good times with them and trainers were so kind and useful for me. I learned some details about EVS rules and made a lot of friends.
Guille: My assessment of this training is positive, we leave behind the group dynamics and the games to meet the rest of the volunteers (as we did in our first training) to focus on sharing our experiences, our doubts, our illusions and disappointments in this EVS that already It is part of our lives. We had time to resolve important questions about everything that surrounds an EVS, Cigna, NA (national agency), organizations … maybe the most interesting part for me was about NA. In general, it was a great experience to share my time with volunteers from all over Bulgaria and live this training with people from all over the world.
Vlad: Frankly speaking, I was not expecting a great deal of things when I was going for the training since I had already had an on-arrival training where I got to meet many people and found out various practical details on EVS. Netheir was I excited to go for the first session. However, the trainers at the very start struck me with their simplicity and flexibility, for they embarked on activities to help us get to know each other better and later allowed us to compose our own programme of the training. I have finally drawn a lot of motivation for the final stage of my EVS from personal stories of other volunteers and trainers and profoundly self-reflected over the time I have already passed.[vc_row row_type=“row“ use_row_as_full_screen_section=“no“ type=“full_width“ text_align=“left“ css_animation=““][vc_column][vc_single_image image=“5819″ img_size=“medium“ qode_css_animation=““][/vc_column][/vc_row]