Placemaking for Physical Activity Toolbox (PPAT) is the project initiated by BG Be Active which aims to link placemakers (grassroots urban designers) and grassroots sports organisations, professionals and as a result to create a common solutions package that will support and improve capacities of both sectors and result in improved programs and places facilitating physical activity in the urbanised areas. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The project is represented by the following partners:BG Be Active, Plovdiv/Bulgaria – lead partner
International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), Copenhagen/Denmark
Placemaking Europe, Rotterdam/the Netherlands
MOVE, Malta
Power Jump, Varna/Bulgaria
Association Sport for All Suceava (AJSPT Suceava), Suceava/Romania
Deporte para la Educación y la Salud, Sport for Education and Health (DES), Madrid/Spain
Within the project the partners will research the best practices of programmes and cases to encourage physical activity in public spaces, create a tool for re-shaping spaces to motivate physical activity, test the concept in 4 countries, and advocate for the concept to be introduced in policy documents. Apart from having a coordinator’s role, BG Be Active will also contribute to research and present its best practices of physical activity in public areas based on the concept of placemaking and community engagement. At the kick-off meeting held on 11-12.02.2021 the partners touched upon development of the case study document to map current trends, barriers in human’s interactions with their urbanised areas when considering everyday physical activity and leisure sports. The document will combine practices on the EU and national levels.
The project is represented by the following partners:
Within the project the partners will research the best practices of programmes and cases to encourage physical activity in public spaces, create a tool for re-shaping spaces to motivate physical activity, test the concept in 4 countries, and advocate for the concept to be introduced in policy documents. Apart from having a coordinator’s role, BG Be Active will also contribute to research and present its best practices of physical activity in public areas based on the concept of placemaking and community engagement. At the kick-off meeting held on 11-12.02.2021 the partners touched upon development of the case study document to map current trends, barriers in human’s interactions with their urbanised areas when considering everyday physical activity and leisure sports. The document will combine practices on the EU and national levels.
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The Placemaking for Physical Activity Toolbox project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This article reflects the views only of the author (BG Be Active), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein